protocolCreates a cursor based on the provided decoded message.
The decoded message.
A StoreCursor representing the message.
Processes messages based on the provided callback and options.
An array of promises of decoded messages.
A callback function to process each decoded message.
A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the processing should abort.
Queries the Waku Store for historical messages using the provided decoders and options. Returns an asynchronous generator that yields promises of decoded messages.
An array of message decoders.
options: Partial<QueryRequestParams>Optional query parameters.
An asynchronous generator of promises of decoded messages.
If no peers are available to query or if an error occurs during the query.
Queries the Waku Store for historical messages and processes them with the provided callback in order.
An array of message decoders.
A callback function to process each decoded message.
options: Partial<QueryRequestParams>Optional query parameters.
A promise that resolves when the query and message processing are completed.
Queries the Waku Store for historical messages and processes them with the provided callback using promises.
An array of message decoders.
A callback function to process each promise of a decoded message.
options: Partial<QueryRequestParams>Optional query parameters.
A promise that resolves when the query and message processing are completed.
Validates the provided decoders and pubsub topic.
An object containing the pubsub topic, content topics, and a map of decoders.
If no decoders are provided, if multiple pubsub topics are provided, or if no decoders are found for the pubsub topic.
StoreSDK is an implementation of the IStoreSDK interface. It provides methods to interact with the Waku Store protocol.